Gautam Sridhar
I’m an Electrical Engineer specializing in Machine Learning. I did my Bachelor at VIT university in India, followed by my Master at ETH Zurich. I discovered machine learning through my interest in signal processing. During my master in Zurich, I continued improving my theoretical and practical knowledge in machine learning. I worked on various projects, with a wide variety of applications. One of my projects was with the Neuroscience Group at the University Hospital in Zurich, where I developed an automated image segmentation tool that could be used to greatly speed up research into early onset of glaucoma. With this project, I realized the great potential impact that machine learning could have on medical research, and I hope to continue on that path at the Zenith program. In my free time, I enjoy cooking and baking, and reading and writing my own stories.

I am excited about joining the Zenith program, not just for the potential applications of machine learning, but also to gain an insight into what neuroscience has to say about the way our nervous systems function. Many of the now widely successful and ubiquitous machine learning techniques were initially inspired by a computer scientist’s view on how the brain processes information. I believe that the next big breakthrough in machine learning will also be one inspired by a deep understanding of our brains and how they interact with our bodies and the environment. This is also why the interdisciplinary nature of Zenith will be a big help, because I will be able to interact with and learn from students and investigators from different fields coming together. Insights into how neuronal circuits and structured and what the brain is exactly capable of learning could lead to better and more powerful artificial intelligence tools.
Project at ZENITH
- (poster) Gautam Sridhar, Antonio Carlos Costa, Massimo Vergassola, Claire Wyart [2022]. Data-driven discovery of long timescale behavioral strategies during sensory evoked navigation. ED3C Scientific days. (Navigation)
- (poster) Gautam Sridhar, Gautam Reddy, João Marques, Rita Felix, Olivier Mirat, Michael Orger, Claire Wyart [2021]. Unsupervised statistical model based on language learning segments fundamental sequences of prey capture behaviour. NeuroFrance 2021 conference, 2021. (Navigation)