Multisensory signal processing: From whole-brain dynamics to behavior
The Bormuth lab (SU, Paris, France) combines optical developments, functional imaging and behavioral experiments to study multisensory signal processing.
We combine optical developments, genetics and neuro-computation to obtain new insights into the activity of brain-wide neural circuits that process multisensory information. We have developed a novel experimental platform in which a restrained larva can be submitted to vestibular and visual stimuli, as a pilot in a flight simulator. We optically record the activity of almost all 100,000 neurons of the animal brain as it performs multisensory integration tasks. We extract basic principles of how behavior is coded in multisensory neuronal circuits with methods from statistical physics.
Bormuth V, Barral J, Joanny J-F, Jülicher F, Martin P [2014].
Transduction channels' gating can control friction on vibrating hair-cell bundles in the ear.
(Motor Learning)
Laboratoire Jean Perrin (LJP),4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris